Become an Affiliate & earn money as a thank you!

We believe the Blueprint Essences® are the most powerful essences in the world.

And we would like to say thank you for spreading the word & getting these beautiful essences out there so they can do all they are here to do to support people - including New Earth healers, leaders & warriors - & our beautiful planet being more empowered, awakened, enlivened, transformed, elevated, evolved & aligned.

So we are giving back 8% for every order that someone you know places, using your unique Affiliate Link, that includes the Practitioner Training*.

You can choose whether you would like either cash paid directly to you OR save up so that you can have a FULL SET of ALL 111 Blueprint Essences® and the Practitioner Training FOR FREE if 12 people you know sign up for the £1200 package!

What an amazing opportunity - what are you waiting for? Sign up below!

*This only applies to the Practitioner Training Packages that include Blueprint Essences® bundles, not to the general shop.


OH MY GODDESS! I’ve done loads of energetic work, but these are something else. These are NEXT LEVEL!!! Thank you. My deepest gratitude to you for bringing these through!
— Janey
Wow what an amazing experience I had with the World Peace & Healing Blueprint Essence!

I was invited to a local synagogue space. When the group gathered there was a terrific tension, everyone was still of what’s going on in the world, full of distress. It was very heavy.

So we did various things where I came in and created a circle & this was for them to drop into their deepest heart & connect with inner peace.

I sprayed each individual & touched each person gently on the crown of their head. At the end of this evercise, nobody could speak. Everyone was speechless. There was an intense calm as we came back into the space & became more conscious.

There were lots of tears. Big releases. At the end of the session the big transformation was that people felt hopeful.

They felt hope. They acknowledged there was a lot of ancestral healing to be done & they had that sense that they had the peace within them. They just felt really inspired where they had felt powerless.

I can’t thank you enough for creating this astonishing essence. I haven’t experienced anything by quite like it & I’ve worked with a lot of things. I was opened to a whole new level of being able to work with people.

So I am in absolute gratitude for all the beauty you create & I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
— Tina