What are Angels & Archangels?

Angels are beings of light who help us, comfort us and guide us on our journey through our human life. The word Angel is said to mean “messenger of God”. The “el” at the end of many angels names means “light”.

There are said to be two main types of angels:

Guardian Angels: these are our personal angels, 1 or more may stay with us throughout our lifetime, others may come and go and different times in our lives depending on what we may need at any particular time.

Archangels: these are the angels who help us with our bigger mission on the Earth. They help us with our life’s purpose.

Angels love to help us, but only if we ask them to, as they respect our right to choose what we have happen in our lives. All they ask for in return is a thank you!

What do angels look like?

Angels are often depicted as having wings and halos. In reality they are pure light energy, each one with a colour or colours that are a reflection of the energy frequencies that they represent.

Are they male and female?

Angels do not have a gender, however it makes it easier for us to talk about them if they assign themselves a masculine or feminine name and energy. Sounds much better to say “he” or “she” than to say “it”!

How do angels make themselves known to us?

  • We can experience an Angel’s presence in many different ways:

  • We might see them looking like an “angel” as we humans imagine them

  • We might see a light of a particular colour / colours

  • We might see a flash of light or colour suggesting they are near

  • We might feel a brushing against our skin, or a tickling of the hair on top of our head

  • We might see feathers fall around us or in front of us

  • We might just “know” that they are with us

  • We might smell a scent or taste a taste we associate with an angel

Do we have to talk to them in any particular way?

We don’t have to stand on ceremony and be polite – they can see us at all times, even when we feel at our worst and they love us unconditionally. So talk to them as you would a friend, let them know how you truly feel. You can swear, shout, stamp your feet, they really would rather you were completely yourself.

They also have a great sense of humour.

What can they help us with?

Anything that is for our highest and best good. They won’t give us lotto numbers if it is not in our highest and best interest to win right now, but if it is in our highest and best interest, they will help make it happen.

With that in mind, they can literally help us with anything, from helping us to find lost keys, to healing our car or laptop, to bringing us soul family and the life of our dreams.

Archangels and angels have the ability to be everywhere at once, so calling on Archangels doesn’t stop them from helping others who need their help. They can help everyone on the planet at the same time.

Connecting with archangels and angels doesn’t stop us from facing certain challenges that help our soul’s growth - we can’t bypass certain experiences, whether they might be learning more about our shadow so we can transform and evolve, or difficult situations in relationships or at work. They can walk alongside us, however, as we face those challenges, help us find the strength and courage we need, and help us heal more easily.

Do they know what it is like to be human?

Apart from 2 angels, none are said to have lived on the Earth, and so it can help to be specific about WHY you would like what you would like when asking for something good, and tell your angels WHY and how it will make a difference to you.

The only exceptions are:

Archangel Metatron, who is said to have incarnated on Earth as Enoch, one of the twin sons of Abraham (from the Bible).

Archangel Sandalphon, who is said to have incarnated on Earth as Elijah, twin brother of Enoch.