Book a Blueprint Essences® Consultation

Blueprint Essence®s are essences for the spirit and soul. They are an invitation to enliven our spirit, reawaken our soul, and embody the greatest vision we have for ourselves at this time of great transformation and rebirth on our remarkable planet. They are an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, the power, strength and brilliance of our spirit, and the capacity we have to celebrate and honour all of life.

There are 2 types of Blueprint Essences® Consultations you can choose:

1) Blueprint Essences® Soul Path Consultation

2) Blueprint Essences® Life Journey Consultation

1) Blueprint Essences® Soul Path Consultation

Blueprint Essence® Soul Path consultations begin with a look at your Blueprint Essence® Soul Path Chart, a map of your purpose, who you are, and your gifts, challenges, and blocks in this lifetime - along with the keys that you have to unblocking them. We will also discover what you can potentially draw upon in terms of your sources of innate wisdom that your soul chose to come in with. The Blueprint Essence® Soul Path Chart illuminates what you need to know to be living your best 5D life; what that looks like when you are living the highest 5D version of yourself, and simple steps you can take to live it.

We will then explore what these essences represent for you, and your Blueprint to help you move forward in greater alignment with who you are in your journey at this moment in time.

You will receive a tailor made chart of the 8 core Blueprint Essences® that form your Soul Path chart and can be used to support you, and one tailor-made combination of essences.

You will come away with an understanding of which Blueprint Essences® you could work with as you integrate what has been explored into your own unfolding experience.

2) Blueprint Essences® Life Journey Consultation

Blueprint Essence Life Journey consultations explore what you need in your life right now, based on your current life circumstances. A personalised combination bottle of Blueprint Essences® will be made for you as a result of the consultation, designed to support you moving forward in greater alignment with who you are in your journey at this moment in time.

Using this information a bottle will be made of the essences chosen for you, and sent to you by post.

If you have a Blueprint Essence® Soul Path Chart, we can refer to that in the choices of the most supportive Blueprint Essences that you can be working with, however it’s OK to not have completed a chart.

How long is a session?

Each consultation lasts for 30 minutes, and takes place online using Zoom.

Alternatively, the session can be recorded and sent to you to listen to at a time that suits you. Consultations that happen in your absence are sent to you within 7 days of you ordering it.

What is the price?

Each consultation is £70, including an essence combination just for you.

How do I prepare for the session?

No preparation is needed for the Life Journey consultation.

For the Soul Path Consultation:

Visit the gallery of essence images and colours here. Make a list of the eight essences you feel most drawn to, in the order in which you choose them. You can choose them by asking yourself the question “which one of these do I most feel drawn to?” Write down what you decide you are most drawn to. Then notice what you are most drawn to next. Note that down. And keep going until you have a list of eight images.

The gallery you will be looking at doesn’t tell you the names of the images. That’s deliberate so that you can choose more with your heart and soul what you are drawn to rather than your mind knowing what the images represent.

How do I book a session?

Visit the Bookings page and book your session.

 What people are saying about the Blueprint Essences Consultations

“I was absolutely blown away by my session. The information had pin-point accuracy. So succinct and spot on. I haven’t experienced a session like this before and it was incredible and potent. This modality feels so up-to-date, and exactly what we need right now as we move to living in new ways. I was literally given my blueprint. Now I know what I need to do. Everyone should have one of these sessions! It’s like no other that I have experienced.”

— Vickie

“So spot on, so helpful, so resonant, so powerful, it felt right in every cell of my being. So so so spot on!!! Words don’t do it justice. There is nothing out there in the world like this.”

— Sophie

“The Soul Path Consultation that I was given was truly astounding. It helped me gain clarity on what have been obstacles for me in my life and what has held me back from being able to make the changes I need. Through the consultation, I was able to feel more aligned with my purpose, my deepest calling and was left feeling both empowered and inspired to move forward."

The Blueprint Essences are definitely essences of the future; they align you with your Soul vibration and awaken a remembrance of why you chose to come here!

Thank you so much, forever in gratitude to you”

— Karen